
Blog love

Good morning all and happy May! This time of year brings so much joy to my heart. Yesterday, I planted my veggies in the garden box, noticed the bearded iris beginning to blossom in the front, grass turning green, enjoyed a refreshing drink on the porch with a dear friend. I LOVE SPRING. (here is a sweet way to start seedlings, then plant the egg straight into the soil, giving your produce nutrients) 

Also, Carly is choosing to feature my work on her blog. She will post about Ladybird, where I will give away prizes, classes, discounts + more. So read and check in every now and again and you may wind up with fresh floral in your living room.


1 comment:

  1. You have some beautiful things- lovely looking around your site! Coming over from the Deckers :)

    Nicole at Working Kansas Homemaker


Ladybird Poppy