
Plum, mustard and bright!

I was able to design for Megan and Tony for their special day. The colors they chose were amazing. I had the freedom to design what I wanted, she just gave me the colors and said she trusts me from there!!

Mustard, plum, white, green....


Billy ball, peony, rose,coxcomb, hypericum, curly willow, kale cabbage, calla lily...

What a wonderful way to start off the wedding season and an amazing family to design floral bouquets for!

Not to mention, the victorian house that I got to stay at and design for, couldn't have been more perfect to design in. With the cool temperature, the flowers stayed prime and beautiful.

I got to catch up and spend time with dear friends in Fort Collins, eat yummy meals, overlook a beautiful garden while designing, laughs, good sleep and icecream!

Thanks to all who helped make this weekend happen!

1 comment:

  1. Best weekend. Ever. It was so much fun watching you create the Most Beautiful Things! Also, ice cream and laughs.


Ladybird Poppy